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Kigonyo Yetindet kosorwech en tengek
Si kotuiyech ine ak kwandanyon
Kigageloitu en ye mi kwandanyon
Kigiu kechirek che betyotin. x2

Boiboien icheget chon che tililen
Che matun iityin Kiptaiyat tengek
Che matun iityin Kwnda tengek
Ibwate nee anyun chi ne mi tengek?
Ibwate nee ne mi chalwok?
Inye ne ilae miletab tengek
Inyene ilae milet ne o
Konyolun isigu. x2

Kinyo Jesu koik loboiyet ne bo ng'wony
Ak tugul che iyani konyoru sobon
Ago ngot iuuit inye sobondang'ung'
Igonorjinige kiruoget ak meet. x2

Mwae Jesu kole ngo mach chi kosibwan
Koesioge ine ak kosibwan
Manyoru chi keljin en ng'wondunieb chalwok
Ye magochi Jesu sobondanyin. x2

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