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The Australian Hymn Book

The Australian Hymn Book was published in 1977, and was the culmination of almost ten years' work by an ecumenical committee, chaired by A. Harold Wood, intent on producing a new, contemporary and inclusive hymn book that could be used in worship by the varied Christian congregations across Australia.

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342 Songs


O Lord, thou art my God and King,
thee will I magnify and praise:
I will thee bless, and gladly sing
unto thy holy name always.

Each day I rise I will thee bless,
and praise thy name time without end.
Much to be praised and great God is;
his greatness none can comprehend.

Thy works shall race praise unto race,
declare thy mighty acts with me:
I will speak of the glorious grace
and honour of thy majesty.

Thy wondrous works I will record.
By men the might shall be extolled
of all thy dreadful acts, O Lord:
and I thy greatness will unfold.

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