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The Australian Hymn Book

The Australian Hymn Book was published in 1977, and was the culmination of almost ten years' work by an ecumenical committee, chaired by A. Harold Wood, intent on producing a new, contemporary and inclusive hymn book that could be used in worship by the varied Christian congregations across Australia.

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342 Songs


Let earth and heaven combine,
angels and men agree,
to praise in songs divine
the incarnate deity,
our God contracted to a span,
incomprehensibly made man.

Unsearchable the love
that has the Saviour brought;
the grace is far above
or man or angel's thought:
enough for us that God, we know,
our God, is manifest below.

He deigns in flesh to appear,
widest extremes to join;
to bring our vileness near
and make us all divine:
and we the life of God shall know,
for God is manifest below.

Made perfect first in love,
and sanctified by grace,
we shall from earth remove,
and see his glorious face:
then shall his love be fully showed,
and man shall then be lost in God.

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