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The Australian Hymn Book

The Australian Hymn Book was published in 1977, and was the culmination of almost ten years' work by an ecumenical committee, chaired by A. Harold Wood, intent on producing a new, contemporary and inclusive hymn book that could be used in worship by the varied Christian congregations across Australia.

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God of all power, and truth, and grace,
which shall from age to age endure,
whose word, when heaven and earth shall pass,
remains and stands for ever sure;

that I your mercy may proclaim,
that all mankind your truth may see,
hallow your great and glorious name,
and perfect holiness in me.

Purge me from every evil blot;
my idols all be cast aside:
cleanse me from every sinful thought,
from all the filth of self and pride.

Give me a new, a perfect heart,
from sorrow free, and doubt and fear;
the mind which was in Christ impart,
and let my spirit know you near.

O that I now, from sin released,
your word may to the utmost prove,
enter into the promised rest,
the Canaan of your perfect love!

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