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Sunday School Songs

This book contains a collection of children's songs sung in Sunday School and during children's activities. It helps the children learn Bible scriptures, understand Bible stories and grow spiritually through music.

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138 Songs

Love Can Turn The World

We're as different as night and day
We're the same in different ways
And it's true, just look at me and you

We can change the way we are
The power lives inside our hearts
We can be anything we wonna be

If coal can turn to diamonds
And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world
Oh, love can turn the world

The God who made you made us all
Big and little, short and tall
And that's fine 'cause it takes all kinds

If He had made us all alike
It sure would be boring life
But He knew what little time could do

If coal can turn to diamonds
And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world
Oh, love can turn the world

Every Body Sing It
If coal can turn to diamonds
And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world
Oh, love can turn the world

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