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Sunday School Songs

This book contains a collection of children's songs sung in Sunday School and during children's activities. It helps the children learn Bible scriptures, understand Bible stories and grow spiritually through music.

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138 Songs

Chasing You - Come Alive

You hide, I want to find you
Go, and I will follow you
I want to be where you are
As You move, I’m right beside you, love
Oh, I’m running after you
I want to be where You are.

I’m Chasing You, I’m so in love
Captivated, I just can’t get enough
I’ll spend my days, Running after Your heart
Your heart, Your heart, Whoah.

I’m Chasing You, with all my love
Captivated, I just cant get enough
I’ll spend my days, Running after Your heart
Your heart, Your heart, Whoa.

Heart, You’ve won me heart and soul
And where You lead I’ll go
I want to be where You are
From the moment I rise to the moment I sleep
My affection is for you, and even as I dream
I want to know you, I’m after Your heart.

This life, this love, was always meant to be
A wild, crazy adventure discovering
The thrill, the rush, the more of You I see
The more it leaves me wanting
You’re everything
You’re everything

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