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Muenyi U fa munyako, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
Ki kale a yemi ten'i kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
Kwa lula Ha si ka ya, Mulena Ya kenile;
Jesu Mwana Mulimu, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene).

Kwa lula pilu ya hao, A . (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
Ha u liyeha way a, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
Kwalulela muzwale U ta ku sileleza;
A be ni wena 'mita, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene).

Ki kuli wa mu utwa, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene)?
Cwale ukete Yena, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
U yemi fa munyako, u ku tiseza tabo;
Mu mu lapele Yena, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene).

Mu amuhele cwale, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
U taeza mukiti, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene);
U ka swalela libi ku zwiswe za lifasi;
A ku ise 'halimu, kwa (Mulen'a kene) lula (Jesu A kene).

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