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Rituko Rinene Ngocha Rire

Rituko rinene ngocha rire, Yeso nachiche, Koira abana abageni, Enka y`omwando.

Natorore ogokia kw`emambia, Kogoseria Omosunte, Natorore ogokia, Kw`emambia, Kogwata chimbera.

`Mang`ana y`enchili narandigw` ebisaku bionsi, Monene bw`enyangi tateban` amarandi_abuge.

`Ba igoro bonsi bamokobe namar` agwoka, Omogambi ache abair`abaye ase batakwe.

Bari` abasani twatiganete, Natororane, Baria barosir` emioyo batinyigw` amariga.

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