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Orogendo Rwa Yeso

Orogendo rwa Yeso, Mogoko noyoino,
Motunyane Yeso Oino Imanweli;
Koborab`obororo, Tari ban`obwaye,
Enchera mogoeta, Nero aetete.

`Mosalaba o Yeso, Nainwe moimokie,
N`engata abegetwe, Nainwe negwenerete;
Ogwanch`okwo okwaye, Mobe nakorokwo,
Na Obwanchani bwaye, Boikaranse nainwe.

Chingencho mwakorerwe mwanche igo nomokia,
Mwensi morek` enchera igo bun` etaya;
`Bororo n`emekono, N`emechando Yaino;
Ogotemwa ao ao, Goika ogokwa kwaino.

Yonsi nero eng`eria, Bun`Ere anyorete,
Nebe buna obororo, Igoro korw`ense;
Orogendo rwa Yeso, Rigereria Igoro;
`Mechando Y`ense`eye, Nyebue as`are.

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