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Nareo Onyanchete

Nareo onyanchet` agakw` agantoria
Inch` omonyabibe mbe moyo
Nchera Y` omosalab` akerua gotacha
Bibe biane bionsi biaberwe.

Bionsi biabambirwe, Bionsi biabambirwe
Agancha ere kobogoria
N`oboror` obonge Yeso anyorete
Kabibogori` ebibe biane.

Nig` are omworor` omoremereria
Ogochena enkoro yane,
Tindi na ekina n` omosibore nde,
Kebibe biane biabambirwe.

`Menye as` Omotoria tinkomotiga,
Ntare n` omogoko botambe,
Nintere n`omonwa Goter` as` enkoro,
Ebibe biane biabambirwe.

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