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Ndata nene ndata ntheu yatongoesye andu oi;
Yamonisye vala wasyaiwe Musumbi,
Andu ol mavikila kyeni kya ndata,
Mamanye musyi ula Yesu Klisto usyaiwe.

Mamiatiia ndata nundu wa kyeni kyayo;
Musumbi amatavya mamuetee uvoo,
NI kana nake aende akakathaithe;
Nake eendaa kuthi kuaa kana kau katheu.

Ndata yathi yaungama vala wasyaiwe,
Menama mbee wa kaukenge mamukatha Ngai;
Mathasya miio yoo makane mithinzio,
Matavya nyinyia na ithe undu moonie ndata.

Andu matavw`a niMulalka wa Mwiaii;
Matikathi kwa Elote mathi na nzia Ingi,
Meanisya mwiao ula Mulaika waneenie,
Elote ameteela na ndaamona Ingi.

Etikili o ta uu twithiwe ta andu oi,
Tukisyaiisya uvoo wa Isyawa yake,
Twisi ula wasyaiwe ni Mutangii wa andu,
Tumamanyisye angi moke mose wovosyo.

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