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Nda kuyanda Jesu iwe Mwami wangu,
Izwi lyako lila ndipa kuumuna,

Ndayanda we ndayanda, CiindÕ eci ndayanda
Kondileleka Mwami! Nda boola kwako.

Ndakuyanda Jesu Kokala ambebo;
Ku sunkwa kula ku ba ku ubauba.

Ndakuyanda Jesu A mukukomana
Bola ku fwambaana Ainguzu Zyako.

Nda kuyanda Jesu Webo nditondezya,
A kulaililwa kube kwa kasimpe.

Nda kuyanda Jesu ÔWe Usetekene;
Uncite mbe wako, Mbe Ulelekedwe.


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