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Tulanda ifya mpanga i-lya, icalo cawamisha
Icalo cilya icisuma nishani kuba kulya!
Ne misebo iya ngolide fibumbe fya bekesha,
Wene mwandi wakupapi-sha nishani kuba kulya!

Kulya ububi bwena takwa-ba, matunko no bulanda,
Nangu mesho yonse takwa-ba nishani kuba kulya!
Nemilimo yakutemwa, ne mingile yabashila,
Icilonganino canta-nshi nishani kuba kulya!

Mulafwo mutima wa-ndi pantu ndefwaya mulu,
Nomba line nakulau-mfwa ifyo ine nkaya kulya!
Tu-kalaenda mumaba-la mubu cindami ifwe!
Tukaba pamo na Bangeli na Yes'u akaba kulya.

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