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Chilolo aishi-le kuli Yesu,
Kumwipusha ifya lupusukilo,
Mfumu nayo yamwaswike bwino,
'Mufya-lwe libili.'


'Mufya-lwe libili. Mufya-lwe libili,
Ndemweba ine ifya cine cine, mufyalwe libili.'

Mwe bana baba-ntu kutikeni,
Mashiwi ayafuma kuli Yesu,
Mwiya mona yamashiwi nga yafye,
'Mufya-lwe libili.'

Mwe bakwingila-mo mubutusho,
Nokwimbo lwimbo ulwabapusuka,
Nga mulefwaya ukusango mweo,
'Mufya-lwe libili.'

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