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Will There Be Any Stars

I am thinking today of that beautiful land,
I shall reach when the sun goeth down;
When thru wonderful grace by my Saviour I stand,
Will there be any stars in my crown?

Will there be any stars in my crown?
Will there be any stars,any stars in my crown
When at evening the sun goeth down?(goeth down?)
When I wake with the best mansion in the mansion of rest
Will there be any stars in my crown?

In the strength of the Lord let me labour and pray,
Let me watch as a winner of souls:
That bright star may be mine in the glorious day
When His praise like the sea billow rolls.

Will there be any stars in my crown?
Will there be any stars,any stars in my crown
When at evening the sun goeth down?(goeth down?)
When I wake with the best mansion in the mansion of rest
Will there be any stars in my crown?

Oh what joy it will be when His face I behold,
Living gems at His feet to lay down;
It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold
Should there be any starts in my crown.

Will there be any stars in my crown?
Will there be any stars,any stars in my crown
When at evening the sun goeth down?(goeth down?)
When I wake with the best mansion in the mansion of rest
Will there be any stars in my crown?

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