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Where Could I Go?

Living below in this old sinful world,
Hardly a comfort can afford;
Striving alone to face temptations sore,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, O where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul?
Needing a friend to help me in the end,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Neighbors are kind, I love them every one,
We get along in sweet accord;
But when my soul needs manna from above,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, O where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul?
Needing a friend to help me in the end,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Life here is grand with friends I love so dear,
Comfort I get from God's own word;
Yet when I face the chilling hand of death,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go, O where could I go?
Seeking a refuge for my soul?
Needing a friend to help me in the end,
Where could I go but to the Lord?

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