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When Your Back Is To The Wall

He could have walked away
But the price He chose to pay
And as He looked ahead in time
I have no doubt you crossed His mind
When He heard you Pilate say
To the hill take Him away
There He paid sin's awful cost
With His back to the cross.

When your back is to the wall
Remember His was to the cross
The grave lost its victory
And old man death, where's your sting?
When God gave His only son
Your every battle then was won
So when your back is to the wall
Remember His was to the cross.

When your tears fall like rain
And you lose more than you gain
If in your life there is no song
When all you need the most is gone
When all is said and done
You've not lost, but you've won
So when your back is to the wall
Remember His was to the cross.

When your back is to the wall
Remember His was to the cross
The grave lost its victory
And old man death, where's your sting?
When God gave His only son
Your every battle then was won
So when your back is to the wall
Remember His was to the cross.

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