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When Jesus Knocked

When I was straying out in sin
My Jesus spoke to me
His voice I certainly heard as '
He said
Come unto me
I'll make you a pure child of God
And get you free from sin
If you'll open your heart and let me in.

When Jesus knocked at my heart's door
I let Him in
He came inside and found my heart
Was stained in sin
He gave me joy and peace the world
Could never know,
He took my heart and washed it white
And spotless as snow,
I'm happy now and other souls I will help to win,
Since I opened up my heart and let Him in.

When Jesus knocked at my heart's door
I wanted Him to stay,
When I yielded to Him all my burdens rolled away,
And now I know why Jesus died
Upon the cross that day,
When I opened up my heart and let Him in.

When Jesus knocked at my heart's door
I let Him in
He came inside and found my heart
Was stained in sin
He gave me joy and peace the world
Could never know,
He took my heart and washed it white
And spotless as snow,
I'm happy now and other souls I will help to win,
Since I opened up my heart and let Him in.

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