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What Heaven Means To Me

A country where no twilight shadows deepen
Unending day where night will never be,
A city where no clouds ever gather,
Well this is just, what heaven means to me.

What will It be when we get over yonder
And join the throne upon the grassy sea,
To join our loved ones and crown Christ forever,
Now this is just, what heaven means to me.

A place where there is no misunderstanding,
And from all enemity and strive we're free,
No unkind words from the heart are spoken,
Now this is just what heaven means to me.

What will It be when we get over yonder
And join the throne upon the grassy sea,
To join our loved ones and crown Christ forever,
Now this is just, what heaven means to me.

And when at last we see the face of Jesus,
Before whose image other lives are free,
And when they crown Him Lord of all I'll be there,
Now this is just,what heaven means to me.

What will It be when we get over yonder
And join the throne upon the grassy sea,
To join our loved ones and crown Christ forever,
Now this is just, what heaven means to me.

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