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Unworthy Am I

Unworthy am I, of the grace that
He gave,
Unworthy to hold His hand
Amazed that a King would reach down to a slave
His love I cannot understand.

Unworthy, unworthy, a beggar
In bondage and alone,
But He made me worthy,
And now by His grace,
His mercy has made me
His own.

My sorrows and sickness laid stripes on His back,
My sins caused the blood that was shed,
My faults and my failures have won Him a crown,
Of thorns that He wore on His head.

Unworthy, unworthy, a beggar
In bondage and alone,
But He made me worthy,
And now by His grace,
His mercy has made me
His own.

Unworthy am I of the glory divine,
Unworthy with angels to stay,
It thrills just to know that He loves so much,
A pauper I walk with the King.

Unworthy, unworthy, a beggar
In bondage and alone,
But He made me worthy,
And now by His grace,
His mercy has made me
His own.

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