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Twelve Men

Jesus walked along the shore one day
Heavy burdens,love for others,
On Him lay;
He was looking for a friend,
He was searching for twelve men;
Who would gladly follow all the way.
Twelve men, chosen men;
Jesus was looking for twelve men.

First He called for Andrew, by the shore;
Told his brother, Simon Peter,
He had a chore;
And of one He was so fond,
You recall, his name was John;
Still He called for Judas,
And eight more -
Simon James the Elder, Jude,Mathew.

Thomas, Philip, James the less,Bartholomew.
These twelve men the world did hate,
Striving to eliminate;
This is how they finally met their fate
Twelve men, chosen men;
Eleven of them true, but one a devil
Judas sold the Son of God for silver.

Andrew died upon a cross we hear;
Thomas killed in India, with a spear;
James the less was sawn in two,
Arrows through the body of Jude,
Philip died by hanging without fear.
Late in life, by knife, Bartholomew,
Martyred Simon, James the elder;
Writer Mathew.

Simon Peter they say was found,
Crucified there upside down;
Only John did live his full life through.
Twelve men, chosen men;
Eleven of them true,but one a devil
Judas hung himself but lost his silver.

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