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To That Summer Land

To that summer land up yonder,

Where the angels ever sing
Hallelujahs to the Saviour,
Sweet hosannas to the King;
We are marching swiftly onward,
Guided by our Father's hand
Thro' this world of sin and sorrow,
To that happy summer land.

Oh,. . . the joy when we get there...
Golden crowns of life to wear...
In that happy land so fair
In that summer land up yonder.

To that summer land up yonder
Some are going every day,
And the time is drawing nearer
When we, too, shall go away;
We are going straight to Jesus,
There to join the ransom'd band,
We will praise His Name for ever,
In that happy summer land.

Oh,. . . the joy when we get there...
Golden crowns of life to wear...
In that happy land so fair
In that summer land up yonder.

In that summer land up yonder
There's a place prepared for all
Who are trusting in the Saviour,
Who will listen to His call;
And the happy time is coming
When the Lord shall give command,
And we'll leave this world for ever
For that happy summer land.

Oh,. . . the joy when we get there...
Golden crowns of life to wear...
In that happy land so fair
In that summer land up yonder.

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