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Three Kinds Of Believers

There's three kinds of believers
In this world today,
They gather where the eagles go to feed,
Their lives are so shabby
And darkened with the world,
They're blind and they cannot see their need.

Oh we say we're Believers
Since we believe all the Word,
Our works are both great and small;
But If this same Life's not living through you,
Then you're not even called to at all.

God's Wife is an Army,
Marching through the land;
Destroying everything in Her way.
There's many make-Believers
Who fight by her side.
But when they have fallen,
She just leaves them lay.

Oh we say we're Believers
Since we believe all the Word,
Our works are both great and small;
But If this same Life's not living through you,
Then you're not even called to at all.

The true Elect of God
Have died to themselves,
They have all heard the Evening call!
They know that the Token Must be displayed,
Or they're not even called to at all!

Oh we say we're Believers
Since we believe all the Word,
Our works are both great and small;
But If this same Life's not living through you,
Then you're not even called to at all.

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