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They Come

They come from the east and west,
They comes from the lands afar,
To feast with the King, to dine as His guest;
How blessed these pilgrims are!
Beholding His hallowed face
Aglow with light divine;
Blest partakers of His grace,
As germs in His crown to shine.

Since Jesus has set me free,
I'm happy as heart can be;
No longer I bear the burden of care,
His yoke is so sweet to me,
My soul was as black as night,
But darkness has taken flight;
Now I shout the victory,
For Jesus has set me free.

I look on the great white throne,
Before it the ransom'd stand;
No longer are tears, no sorrow is known
Nor death in that goodly land.
My Saviour has gone before,
Preparing the way for me;
Soon we'll meet to part no more
Thru' time or eternity.

Since Jesus has set me free,
I'm happy as heart can be;
No longer I bear the burden of care,
His yoke is so sweet to me,
My soul was as black as night,
But darkness has taken flight;
Now I shout the victory,
For Jesus has set me free.

The gates of that holy place
Stand open by night and day;
Look to the Lord who giveth more grace,
Whose love has prepared the way.
A home in those mansions fair
His hands hath reserved for all.
For the wedding feast prepare,
Obeying the gracious call.

Since Jesus has set me free,
I'm happy as heart can be;
No longer I bear the burden of care,
His yoke is so sweet to me,
My soul was as black as night,
But darkness has taken flight;
Now I shout the victory,
For Jesus has set me free.

Oh Jesus is coming soon,
Our trials will then be o'er.
What if our Lord this moment should come
For those who are free from sin?
Then would it bring you joy,
Or sorrow and deep despair?
When our Lord in glory comes,
We'll meet Him up in the air.

Since Jesus has set me free,
I'm happy as heart can be;
No longer I bear the burden of care,
His yoke is so sweet to me,
My soul was as black as night,
But darkness has taken flight;
Now I shout the victory,
For Jesus has set me free.

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