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There Is Power In The Blood

Would you be free from your burden of sin?
There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you o'er evil a victory win?
There's wonderful power in the blood.

There is power, power, wonderworking power
In the blood of the Lamb,
There is power, power, wonder working power,
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

Would you be free from your passion and pride?
There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide,
There's wonderful power in the blood.

There is power, power, wonderworking power
In the blood of the Lamb,
There is power, power, wonderworking power,
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
There's power in the blood, power in the blood;
Sin's stains are lost in its life giving flow,
There's wonderful power in the blood.

There is power, power, wonderworking power
In the blood of the Lamb,
There is power, power, wonderworking power,
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

Would you do service for Jesus your King?
There's power in the blood,power in the blood;
Would you live daily, His praises to sing?
There's wonderful power in the blood.

There is power, power, wonderworking power
In the blood of the Lamb,
There is power, power, wonderworking power,
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

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