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The Unseen Hand

There is an unseen hand to me,
That leads the way I cannot see,
WhiIe going through this world of woe;
His hand still leads me as I go.

I'll trust each day the unseen hand,
That guides me through this weary land,
And some sweet day I'll reach that land,
Still guided by, the unseen hand.

His hand has led through shadows drear
And while it leads, I have no fear;
I know it'll lead me to that home,
Where tears nor sorrows in can come.

I'll trust each day the unseen hand,
That guides me through this weary land,
And some sweet day I'll reach that land,
Still guided by, the unseen hand.

I long to see my Saviour's face,
And sing the story saved by Grace
And thereupon that golden strand,
I'll praise Him for His guiding hand.

I'll trust each day the unseen hand,
That guides me through this weary land,
And some sweet day I'll reach that land,
Still guided by, the unseen hand.

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