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The Token Day

The Lord spoke to Moses and told him to say,
To the children of Israel,in Goshen that day,
Slay the lamb,take the blood,strike the post at the door,
For I'll pass through Egypt this night
And smite all the first borns.

Let the death angel pass,
God's Bride's safe at last,
In the Token He gave
That we could be saved
Oh Hallelujah, and glory to God
The Blood's been applied, His spirit abides,
Let the death angel pass.

The sweet Holy Spirit is the token today
And all that are under it,God said they'd be saved
Outside of this Token,the lost would be bound
If you want your loved ones saved,
Let's get them in now.

Let the death angel pass,
God's Bride's safe at last,
In the Token He gave
That we could be saved
Oh Hallelujah, and glory to God
The Blood's been applied, His spirit abides,
Let the death angel pass.

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