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The Leaves Are Falling

The leaves are falling,harvest time is past,
So is it in the Spirit,the end is coming fast,
The time will soon be here when Jesus Christ shall come,
So lift up your head your redemption is drawing nigh.

And It will be too late my brother then to pray,
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today,
For you'll find yourself In judgement and you'll have to pay,
For the opportunity that has come your way.

Now it's gleaning time the reapers are in the field,
To find the last of the seed the others will not yield,
And the glory of God will shine for it's evening time
And the true Bride of Christ will soon fall into line.

And It will be too late my brother then to pray,
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today,
For you'll find yourself In judgement and you'll have to pay,
For the opportunity that has come your way.

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