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The Good Old Fashioned Way

I am on the gospel highway
Pressing forward to the goal
Where for me a rest remaineth
In the home-land of the soul,
Every hour I'm moving onward
Not a moment to delay
I am going home to glory
In the good old fashioned-way.

In the good old fashioned-way
In the good old fashioned-way
I am going home to glory
In the good old fashioned-way

From the snares of sinful pleasure
Here my feet are always free
Tho' the way may be called narrow
It is wide enough for me,
It was wide enough for Daniel
And for David in his day
I am glad that I can follow
In the good old fashioned-way.

In the good old fashioned-way
In the good old fashioned-way
I am going home to glory
In the good old fashioned-way

Many friends have gone before me
They have laid their armour down
With the pilgrims and the martyrs
Have obtained a robe and crown
On this road they fought their battles
Shouting victory day by day
I shall overcome and join them
In the good old fashioned-way.

In the good old fashioned-way
In the good old fashioned-way
I am going home to glory
In the good old fashioned-way

Just a few more steps to follow
Just a few more days to roam
But the way grows more delightful
As I'm drawing nearer home
When the storms of life are over
And the clouds have rolled away
I shall find the gates of heaven
In the good old fashioned-way.

In the good old fashioned-way
In the good old fashioned-way
I am going home to glory
In the good old fashioned-way

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