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Take Up Thy Cross,Follow Me

I journeyed one day along a country road
And there a stranger journeyed too
Bent low beneath the burden of His load
It was a cross, a cross I knew.

Take up Thy cross and follow me,follow me
I hear the blessed Saviour's call
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
When Jesus gave His all.

I cried Lord Jesus and He spoke my name
I saw His hands all bruised and scarred
I tried to kiss away the marks of shame
The shame for me that He had borne.

Take up Thy cross and follow me,follow me
I hear the blessed Saviour's call
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
When Jesus gave His all.

Thy cross I'll carry till the crown appears
The way I journey soon will end
When God Himself shall wipe all tears
And hold sweet fellowship with friends.

Take up Thy cross and follow me,follow me
I hear the blessed Saviour's call
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
When Jesus gave His all.

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