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Signs Of The Time

Years of time have come and gone since I first heard it told,
How my Jesus would come back again some day.
But if back then it seemed so real then I just can't help but feel,
How much closer His coming is today.

Signs of the times are everywhere,
And there's a brand new feeling in the air,
So keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,
Lift up your heads
Your redemption draweth nigh.

Wars and strife on every hand and violence fills our land,
And some people doubt if He'll ever come again,
But the Word of God is true
He'll redeem His chosen few,
Don't lose hope for soon Jesus will descend.

Signs of the times are everywhere,
And there's a brand new feeling in the air,
So keep your eyes upon the eastern sky,
Lift up your heads
Your redemption draweth nigh.

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