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Room At The Fountain

I heard my loving Savior say,
There's room at the fountain for thee,
Come,wash the stains of sin away,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

I came to Him, my sins confessed,
There was room at the fountain for me;
When I gave up, my heart was blest,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

I plunged beneath the crimson tide,
There was room at the fountain for me;
And now by faith am sanctified,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

He cleansed my heart from inbred sin,
There was room at the fountain for me;
And now He keeps me pure within,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

I'll praise Him while He gives me breath,
There was room at the fountain for me;
He saved me from an awful death.
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

His blood was shed but once for all,
There was room at the fountain for me;
Oh, don't reject sweet Mercy's call,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

We'll sing with all the saints above,
There was room at the fountain for me;
And praise Him for redeeming love,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

Room, room yes, there is room,
Room at the fountain for thee;
Room, room, yes, there is room,
There's room at the fountain for thee.

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