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Old-Time Power

They were in an upper chamber,
They were all with one accord,
When the Holy Ghost descended
As was promised by our Lord.

O Lord, send the power just now,
O Lord, send the power just now;
O Lord, send the power just now
And baptize every one.

Yes, this power from heaven descended
With the sound of rushing wind;
Tongues of fire came down upon them,
As the Lord said He would send.

O Lord, send the power just now,
O Lord, send the power just now;
O Lord, send the power just now
And baptize every one.

Yes, this old time power was given
To our fathers who were true;
This is promised to believers,
And we all may have it too.

O Lord, send the power just now,
O Lord, send the power just now;
O Lord, send the power just now
And baptize every one.

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