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Oh Gracious Jesus

Hold me so close to Thee and show me Thy way,
That I may walk in the light of your goodness all of my day,
Forgive me of sin my Lord,have mercy on me
Thank you Lord,that^s not my sin but my heart that you see.

Oh Gracious Jesus,make me so small,
In worldly matters,make me not at all,
But in Thy Spirit make oh so tall,
Oh Gracious Jesus,Lord of all.

Oft in my loneliness,when I cried out to Thee
You stood in the midst of my heart,and you warmed me so tenderly,
Now I know You once again,now I long for that day,
When I shall hear the call of Your
Voice and you^ll take me away.

Oh Gracious Jesus,make me so small,
In worldly matters,make me not at all,
But in Thy Spirit make oh so tall,
Oh Gracious Jesus,Lord of all.

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