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My Lord Died For A Kingdom

My Lord He died for a Kingdom,
To redeem the hearts of men;
Now my people don't you weep,
He has risen from the dead,
He lives again, Hallelujah.

Sing hallelujah, the Lord is risen
He is risen indeed hallelujah.

My Lord came forth like the morning,
With the splendour of the sun,
Came triumphant from the womb,
From the darkness of the tomb
The victory won, hallelujah.

Sing hallelujah, the Lord is risen
He is risen indeed hallelujah.

My Lord united out mountains,
With the everlasting hills,
Now the seasons and the seas sing
His song of victory,
Rocks and Hills, hallelujah.

Sing hallelujah, the Lord is risen
He is risen indeed hallelujah.

My Lord renewed all creation,
That had waited late and long;
Now we all with one accord,
Live and love the risen Lord,
This is our song, hallelujah.

Sing hallelujah, the Lord is risen
He is risen indeed hallelujah.

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