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Midnight Cry

I hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind,
And it's closer now than it's ever been;
I can almost hear the trumpet as Gabriel sounds the call
And at the midnight cry, we'll be going home.

When Jesus steps out
On a cloud to call out God's children
The dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air
And then those that remain,will be quickly changed
At the midnight cry
When Jesus comes again.

I look around,I see prophecies fulfilled
And the signs of the times are everywhere
I can almost hear my Father as He says
Son go get my children
And at the midnight cry (thank God)
This bride of Christ is gonna rise.

When Jesus steps up
On the cloud before God's children
The dead In Christ shall rise
To meet Him in the air
And then those that remain,
Will be quickly changed
At the midnight cry (x2)
When Jesus comes again.

And then those that remain
Will be quickly changed
At the midnight cry (x2)
When Jesus comes again.

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