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Lord Build Me A Cabin In Glory

Many years I have been looking for a place to call a home
But I have failed here to find it so I must travel on;
I don't care for a bright mansion on earth's sinking sand
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

Lord build me a cabin In the corner of glory land,
In the shade of the tree of life that It may ever stand;
Where I could hear the angels sing and shake Jesus hand
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

Blessed Lord I'm not asking to live in this earth,
For I know I'm not worthy of the splendour I have seen
Lord I am asking for mercy while on Thee I stand,
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

Lord build me a cabin In the corner of glory land,
In the shade of the tree of life that It may ever stand;
Where I could hear the angels sing and shake Jesus hand
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

I've many dear loved ones who've gone on that way,
On that great final morning
I shall I hear them sing,
I'll join in their singing and playing in the band,
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

Lord build me a cabin In the corner of glory land,
In the shade of the tree of life that It may ever stand;
Where I could hear the angels sing and shake Jesus hand
Lord build me a cabin in the corner of glory land.

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