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Land Of Cloudless Day

Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the sky
Oh, they tell me of a home far away;
Oh, they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
Oh, they tell me of a non-cloudy day.

Oh the land of cloudless day
Oh the land of the non-cloudy day
Oh they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
Oh they tell me of a non-cloudy day.

Oh, they tell me of a King in His beauty there,
And they tell me that my eyes shall behold
Where He sits on His Throne that is whiter than snow
In that city that is made of gold.

Oh the land of cloudless day
Oh the land of the non-cloudy day
Oh they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
Oh they tell me of a non-cloudy day.

Oh, they tell me of a home where my friends have gone,
Oh, they tell me of a land far away
Where the Tree of Life shall forever bloom,
Shedding fragrance thro'the non-cloudy day.

Oh the land of cloudless day
Oh the land of the non-cloudy day
Oh they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
Oh they tell me of a non-cloudy day.

Oh they tell me that He smiles on His children there,
And His smile drives their sorrows all away;
And they tell me that no tears ever come again
In that lovely land of a non-cloudy day.

Oh the land of cloudless day
Oh the land of the non-cloudy day
Oh they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
Oh they tell me of a non-cloudy day.

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