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Jesus Said Come To The Waters

And Jesus said come to the waters
Stand by my side,
I know you're thirsty
You won't be denied
I felt every tear drop
When in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
That for those tears I died.

You said you'd come
To share all my sorrows
You said you'd be there,
For all my tomorrow;
I came so close to sending you away
But just like you promised
You came here to stay
I just had to pray.

And Jesus said come to the waters
Stand by my side,
I know you're thirsty
You won't be denied
I felt every tear drop
When in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
That for those tears I died.

Your goodness so great,
I can't understand,
And dear Lord I know,
That all this was planned
I know you're here now
And always will be;
Your love loosed my chains
And now I am free
But Jesus why me?

And Jesus said come to the waters
Stand by my side,
I know you're thirsty
You won't be denied
I felt every tear drop
When in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
That for those tears I died.

Saviour I give you
My life and my soul,
I know that without God,
I'd never be whole,
Saviour you opened all the right doors
And I thank you and praise you
From earth's humble shores
Take me I'm yours.

And Jesus said come to the waters
Stand by my side,
I know you're thirsty
You won't be denied
I felt every tear drop
When in darkness you cried
And I strove to remind you,
That for those tears I died.

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