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Jesus Is Pleading My Soul

Jesus is pleading with my poor soul,
Shall I be saved to-night?
If I believe, He will make me whole,
Shall I be saved to-night?
Tenderly, sadly, I hear Him say,
How can you grieve me from day to day?
Shall I go on in the old, old way,
Or shall I be saved to-night?

Jesus was nail'd to the cross for me,
Shall I be saved to-night?
How can my heart so ungrateful be?
Shall I be saved to-night?
Now He will save me by grace divine,
Now, if I will, I make Him mine,
Can I the pleasure of earth resign?
Shall I be saved to-night?

Jesus is knocking at my poor heart,
Shall I be saved to-night?
What if His Spirit should now depart?
Shall I be saved to-night?
Over and over His voice I hear,
Sweetly it falls on my list^ning ear:
Shall I reject Him a friend so dear?
Oh, shall I be saved to-night?

What if that voice I should hear no more?
Shall I be saved to-night?
Quickly I'll open this bolted door,
Save me, O Lord to-night!
Blessed Redeemer, come in, come in,
Pity my sorrow, forgive my sin!
Now let Thy work in my soul begin,
For I will be saved to-night!

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