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Its Wonderful To Know

(Where could I go but to the Lord)
It's so wonderful to know there's a place where you can go
When you are all burdened down
With the cares of this world,
When it seems there's nothing real,
That's the time when you should kneel
Pray to God up in heaven,and tell
Him how you feel.

It's so wonderful to know that
He Is real
Living in my soul His love I can feel
With each step that I take I know am nearer home
I know my trials will be over after a while.
(When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there)

When the trumpet of God shall sound oh where will you be found?
Will your anchor be in Jesus
And will your heart be free from sin?
On that bright and cloudless morning
With the saints I want to rise
When the roll is called up yonder,
I'll meet Him in the air.

It's so wonderful to know that
He Is real
Living in my soul His love I can feel
With each step that I take I know am nearer home
I know my trials will be over after a while.
(When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there)

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