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It Is Expedient For Me To Go

Jesus said, it is expedient for me to go away
Then all send you another comforter to guide you from day to day
So they tarried in Jerusalem for power would come from high
That same spirit that they received will in my heart abide.

I can feel the Holy Spirit
Oh dwelling deep within
Well sometimes it feels so gentle
And sometimes like a mighty rushing wind,
But that same Spirit that raised Jesus up from the dead and from the grave,
It shall raise, this sore body up and take me home some day.

Oh they laid Him in an empty tomb
And they rolled the old stone at the door;
They put soldiers, there to guard Him,you know
They thought they'd run away with the Lord,
But on the third day, the stone was rolled away
And He came forth from the grave
That same Spirit that raised Jesus up will take me home some day.

I can feel the Holy Spirit
Oh dwelling deep within
Well sometimes it feels so gentle
And sometimes like a mighty rushing wind,
But that same Spirit that raised Jesus up from the dead and from the grave,
It shall raise, this sore body up and take me home some day.

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