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Im Invited To A Mansion

I've heard people talk about heaven,
And describe it's beauties so real;
So one day I purchased a title
For a mansion in that city so fair
Twas given to me without money
But it cost my dear Saviour His life;
He died on the cross without a murmur
For me He paid the great price.

I'm Invited to a mansion In glory,
That Jesus has gone to prepare,
Fire cannot touch It, thieves cannot harm it,
And it never will need a repair
The termites can^t mar it's foundation
For on the Rock of Ages it stands
I feel it is almost completed,
And ready for me to move In.

My evil deeds were all forgiven
By the Rock of Ages my Lord;
And my name was engraved in gold letters,
In tha Lamb's Book of Life, safe within
I'm an heir to a mansion in glory
Where from this life I shall go
I'm waiting for Jesus to call me,
Then I'll lay down my cross and go home.

I'm Invited to a mansion In glory,
That Jesus has gone to prepare,
Fire cannot touch It, thieves cannot harm it,
And it never will need a repair
The termites can't mar it's foundation
For on the Rock of Ages it stands
I feel it is almost completed,
And ready for me to move In.

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