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I Want To Be Ready

I want, to be ready,I want to be ready,
I want to be ready,
To walk in Jerusalem,
Just like John.

Oh John,O John,didn't you say?
Walking in Jerusalem just like John.
That you'd be there on that great day
Walking in Jerusalem just like John.

I want, to be ready,I want to be ready,
I want to be ready,
To walk in Jerusalem,
Just like John.

Sister/brother better mind how you step on the cross,
Walking in Jerusalem just like John,
Your foot may slip, and your soul get lost,
Walking in Jerusalem just like John.

I want, to be ready,I want to be ready,
I want to be ready,
To walk in Jerusalem,
Just like John.

If you get there before I do,
Walking in Jerusalem just like John
Tell all my friends I am coming too,
Walking Jerusalem just like John.

I want, to be ready,I want to be ready,
I want to be ready,
To walk in Jerusalem,
Just like John.

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