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I've Heard The Eagle Call

I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today,
It put me on that straight and narrow way
And now it makes me happy to say,
That I've heard that eagle call today.

I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today,
Malachi 4 and 5 is the way,
No matter what people do
And no matter what people say,
I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today.

This eagle prophet brought a special message
He gave us life by giving us the Word,
The true interpretation of the hour
Oh friends I've heard the eagle call.

I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today,
Malachi 4 and 5 is the way,
No matter what people do
And no matter what people say,
I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today.

This eagle came flying over my way
Then all at once I recognized my day
And it's message then became my aim
For my heart received the eagle call.

I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today,
Malachi 4 and 5 is the way,
No matter what people do
And no matter what people say,
I'm glad I've heard the eagle call today.

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