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I've Been Changed

Well,I've been to the river and I've been baptized,
I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb;
I've been changed from the creature that once I was,
And Redeemed is now my name.

I've been changed!
I am new born now,
All my life has been rearranged;
What a difference it made,
When the Lord came and stayed In my heart,
Oh yes,I've been changed.

Satan once ruled my heart but
Jesus rescued me,
By His Grace, I can say
I've been redeemed;
I've been changed from the nature that once held me,
Where I was bound,I now am free.

I've been changed!
I am new born now,
All my life has been rearranged;
What a difference it made,
When the Lord came and stayed In my heart,
Oh yes,I've been changed.

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