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I Mean To Go Right On

I mean to go right on until the crown is worn
I mean to fight the fight of faith,
Till life on earth is done;
I'll never more turn back,defeat I shall not know,
For God will give me victory if onward I will go (Am going on)

Am going on, going on
Am going on
Until the final triumph
Am going on, am going on
Until the final triumph am going on (Am going on

Should opposition come should foes obstruct my way
Should persecutions fires be as in the ancient days
With Jesus by my side,His peace within my soul,
No matter if the battle is hot,
I mean to reach the goal (Am going on)

Am going on, going on
Am going on
Until the final triumph
Am going on, am going on
Until the final triumph am going on (am going on)

I see a shining crown awaiting over there
I see a mansion well prepared and decked with beauties rare
Should that which intervenes deprive me of my right way
Nay I'go on until I reach the city of the delight (am going on)

Am going on, going on
Am going on
Until the final triumph
Am going on, am going on
Until the final triumph am going on (Am going on)

Then forward let us go our hearts with love aflame
Our showy banner borne aloft inscribed with Jesus Name
The hosts of evil flee,And heavens open gate
Invite me to enter where eternal glory waits (Am going on)

Am going on, going on
Am going on
Until the final triumph
Am going on, am going on
Until the final triumph am going on (Am going on)

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