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I'm Going Through

Lord, I have started to walk in the light.
Shining upon me from heaven so bright;
I bade the world and its follies adieu,
I've started in Jesus and I'm going through.

I'm going through, yes, I'm going through.
I'll pay the price whatever others do,
I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few,
I'm going through, Jesus, I'm going through.

Oh there are many who start in the race,
But with the light refuse to keep pace;
Others accept it because it is new,
But not very many expect to go through.

I'm going through, yes, I'm going through.
I'll pay the price whatever others do,
I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few,
I'm going through, Jesus, I'm going through.

I'd rather walk with Jesus alone,
Have for a pillow, like Jacob, a stone;
Living each moment with His face in view,
Than shrink from my pathway and fail to go through.

I'm going through, yes, I'm going through.
I'll pay the price whatever others do,
I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few,
I'm going through, Jesus, I'm going through.

O brother, now will you take up the cross?
Give up the world and count it as dross;
Sell all thou hast and give to the poor,
Then go through with Jesus and those who endure.

I'm going through, yes, I'm going through.
I'll pay the price whatever others do,
I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few,
I'm going through, Jesus, I'm going through.

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