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I'll Stand For Jesus

In this world filled with pleasures,
We're tempted and tried,
The more that we have,here on this earth,
The less we're satisfied;
The only thing that's lasting,comes from above,
I'll stand for Jesus and let the world go by.

I'll stand for Jesus and let the world go by.
I'll claim His promise,
He will supply,
We'll walk together,my Lord and I,
I'll stand for Jesus and let the world go by.

When it's time to depart,
From this sore body of mine,
I don't want to own one thing that I can't leave behind
I want to be free,to sail through the skies;
That's why I want to be with Jesus,
And let the world go by.

I'll stand for Jesus and let the world go by.
I'll claim His promise,
He will supply,
We'll walk together,my Lord and I,
I'll stand for Jesus and let the world go by.

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