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I'll Meet You

I will meet you in the morning, by the bright river side,
When all sorrow has drifted away;
I'll be standing at the portals, when the gates open wide,
At the close of life's long, dreary day.

I'll meet you in the morning with a How do you do,
And we'll sit down by the river and with rapture auld acquaintance renew,
You'll know me in the morning, by the smiles that I wear,
When I meet you in the morning, in the city that is built foursquare.

I will meet you in the morning, in the sweet by and by,
And exchange the old cross for a crown;
There will be no disappointments and nobody shall die,
In that land, ever the sun goeth down.

I'll meet you in the morning with a How do you do,
And we'll sit down by the river and with rapture auld acquaintance renew,
You'll know me in the morning, by the smiles that I wear,
When I meet you in the morning, in the city that is built foursquare.

I will meet you in the morning, at the end of the way,
On the streets of that city of gold;
Where we all can be together and be happy for aye,
While the years and the ages shall roll.

I'll meet you in the morning with a How do you do,
And we'll sit down by the river and with rapture auld acquaintance renew,
You'll know me in the morning, by the smiles that I wear,
When I meet you in the morning, in the city that is built foursquare.

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